Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Random Tangent Blog

In Milan, but its raining, its pouring and the city is boring (see what I did there) Rain or Shine this city just doesn't do it for me, although the calzones are delicious. The stores are too expensive, so expensive in fact that I dont think that I am even allowed in many of them. It's like a running Sex and City montage on every street, even H+M looks classy although it is tough to see squeezed in between a Prada and Dolce store and below a Chanel. Regardless, only one day to sky diving in Interlocken, Switzerland and the rest of the extreme sports that they brag about. Since Milan is so boring I've taken up a new sport, extreme wine drinking.

Just learned that Gus Johnson is going to the be the voice of Madden 2011, and quite frankly I couldnt be more excited, I may even buy two copies. "Hi everybody I'm Gus Johnson and Welcome to Madden 2011, Sanchez drops back, Fires from the parking lot!!!Oh my goodness!!! The catch is PURE!!!! and BAM!!! he's down!!! 3 yard Completion!!!! 2nd down!!!"

European music really is something else. They beat the hell out of the songs worse than the states do, and they really dont play any rap (other than BOB) so the choices are very limited. Along with this, and brace yourself for this one, but MTV still plays music videos and not reality tv. This is a nice break except for the fact that they only choose to play these ten summer songs on repeat.

Here is the Top 5 songs played in Europe in order of the most heard:
5)Without you - Samanta Cole
4) Replay - Iyaz ( How ironic!!!)
3) California girls - Katy Perry (actually sorta of ironic)
2) Waving the flag - Knann
1) Africa - Shakira

My top 5 favorite songs heard in Europe:
5) OMG - Usher (yeah I snuck that one in there, not bc its played here but because its that good)
4) Redone - Mika
3)Fire with Fire - Scissor Sisters
2) Like it - Enrique
1) Waving the Flag - Knaan

Besides the music though, European life is a totally differnt animal. The beggers are more respectful, the street perfiormers don't ask for money but rather do it for the love of street theater, and when I leave a restaurant I don't feel bloated and filled up not by my meal but by the bread. Europe, Italy especially, moves at a much slower pace in general, and I know that part of this is because I am used to the hustle and bustle of NYC but its more because of the way that Europeans tend to take it all in. INstead of rushing to their next endeavor, they stop for a coffee or a glass of wine. Bus Schedules exist, but when the bus drivers decide to stop hanging with their friends is when the bus actually leaves. 30 people could be on the bus waiting, but if they havent finished their coffee dont bother getting on the bus. It takes a while to adjust but once you do its actually really enjoyable. Stopping in a random wine bar/ store for a ero glass of wine, casual chatter with the owner, slowly downing it and going on with your usual routine is a way of life. It's been a real pleasure adoptiung their lifestyle.

with that said however, there are things I do miss. Bagels for instance, and as Jew this is a big loss. I miss watching my crappy fantasy team strike out every at-bat. Without boring you with a fantasy baseball story that you have no interest in I will say this, Jose Bautista connect on a cosmic level. When he is at bat I know he is thinking about me, kinda the way pigeons think about me when they see me barrel toward them. If my foot is the bat and the pigeon is the ball Jose and I have crushed this season. If the HUFF RYDAZ somehow deyfing expectationsand bring home a crown JB will be getting a glitter filled poster a la Brandon LLoyd circa 2005 sent to his address. I do miss real life at times though, and a piece of me wants to start having days dont feel like a Saturday, but then realize that I teach 7th graders and they are in the midst of puberty. Thankfully they will be spending the year making Jose Bautista and Matt Capps murals and collages.

One of my favorite things about travelling is meeting other travelers. Besides the meeting of new people and new friends, but also listening to the stories. For instance, the guy we met last year who is consequently renting our apartment for the month (How about turning off the AC once in a while, do you think I am made out of money???) told us about this great trip he did in Croatia. This year we took his suggestions, and you know what, it was amazing. We also met some Scots in Budapest a year ago, and this year randomly ran into them in Dubrovnick, and now have a girl that we met in Costa Rica crash on our couch for a week in October. OVerall, being with our backpackers is a real out of body experience as everyone is actrying to accomplish the ssame thing, see the world without breaking the bank. The characters that you meet and adventures tha you go on can't be accuratly explained in words.

Writing this blog has been a real cathartic experience for me, and I really believe that I have found my niche with this writing style. With one blog left or so, I want to thank everyone who has tuned in throughout and hope that you continue to read and enjoy when Foxx tackles the city starting in Septemeber.

One last thing: Take the money thats being offered, Darrel Revis. As Jet fans the chance to win a superbowl comes around once every ten years, maybe once every 20, and your a huge part of this dream. We will give you tons of money, maybe not as much as you want, but still barrels and barrels of it. Stop being so greedy, ruining my Hard Knocks and training camp reports and be the shutdown corner that I feel in love with.

Here is some pictures that blogger will actually allow me to upload without restarting my entire blog.

My super cute Dutch cousins:

The beautiful Croatian coast:

Cliff Jumping in Croatia:

The Canal parade two days after the final:

Homo chicken at its finest.

A cool picture from the Zoo:

The Castle in Dubrovnick:

Our Sail-Croatia boat:

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