Location: on a train to amsterdam, on the verge of immortality.
100,000 are supposed to be on museumplein tonight....and possibly Matt Allen as well.
Everything is orange here, and I mean everything, its bigger than a chicago cubs world series game 7, a nyj superbowl, and a lady president being elected combined on christmas. Did you know that Holland is widely considered "the best team never to win a cup" which only makes the national craze that much bigger. I'm wearing my bathing suit. 2 reasons for this: first, I sleep in it, don't knock it till you try it, and second I plan on jumping in the canals after we win.
I'm realizing that slowly but surely I am turning more dutch....and I like it. I acknowledge this and thoroughly enjoy it. Although being in the country that I love, butchering its language and being on the verge of being the greatest soccer team in the world certainly extenuates these feelings more than usual. However, the facts are undeniable.
I used to hate flowers, now I'm drawn to him. I'm not even buying flowers for romantic purposes, but purely bc I enjoy having them in my apt.
I never eat dessert, now I'm eating it constantly. And don't say its because I'm fat or touring, both are still true, but because they are so much more delicious than what I get in america. Ijs met chocolat (ice cream + melted chocolate) is no longer a vice, but rather a crutch.
Children behave impeccably here. I used to be a rotten child, but....well I'm giving myself an asterisks on this one because my table manners have improved dramatically.
Marijuana is legally allowed here, and I am, um, not against that.
Prostitution is also legal, and I currently have a cat. Does anyone need kittens? It will only cost a small fee. Pay in euros.
Biking is immensely popular. I had a bike as a kid, never rode it, was more of a roller blades kinda guy. Now you can't get me off a bike, I'm begging people not to drive me places. Plus, I own a bike in the city, and since most people don't, that definitely gives me the point
Side note: Great thing about Holland is that it is ruled by bikes, everyone of all ages bikes, the buses has tops two people on it at all times and they look miserable; Maybe its some sort of cruel torture method. The kids are born on bikes, and the elderly travel using them, there is even a bicycle compartment on trains and a lane in every street is dedicated to fietpats (bicycle paths). Biking along rural nedelands is gorgeous, and the ubiquitous bike paths make it readily accessible. Its one of the things Ill miss most about leaving.
It stays light out here until 11, that has no frame of reference on my life but its pretty awesome and I thought it was worth mentioning.
The language isn't as gross as german!!! I like this, and can basically understand anything in dutch and follow all conversations as well as speak back most of the time and carry a conversation. Couldn't do that before.
Orange is the national color, it also happens to be the color that best brings out my eyes.
I'm sweating less. Its very american to sweat, and I am a sweater. I get soaked riding the elevator 6 floors in my building to my apt. Now its half a shirt or less. Here's looking at your laura.
Long hair is in here, and subsequently I haven't cut my hair since March, you do the math.
Heinekin/amstel is the national beer. Always been a carona guy when I went import, but amstel lights can't be beat. I have had both before, and always enjoyed them, but they are just so fresh here. They rise to the top of my import chain just above hefewizen and carona, but still below 64 oz fosters cans (but only on moving vehicles). Bavaria is also quite lekker (delicious)
Dutch kids, especially my 3 cousins are adorable. I was once a dutch kid who was once adorable, yes I was, granted now not so much but still. I like those odds going forward, at least for the first 6 years of their lives.
Note to future johan: do not be surprised if you move here next summer for the duration and/or move here for a year or more in my early thirties or late twenties. You heard it here first from a present Foxx July 2010.
Book count: laura 3. Johan 1.3 - damn.
By the way, if you haven't noticed by now, I am horrible at titles. So don't expect them to get any better. Its a chronic problem that also plagues many of my stories, but the content is solid....isn't it?
I also found out that I have a little catholic in me, it turns out that my grandparents converted during ww2 to stay safe in a convent in belgium. Helps explain, or at the very least defend, my actions in 8th grade. If you want to know the a story of 8th grade you are gonna have to read my next blog. I am such a shameless promotion plugger, I love it.
Expect the next post to contain all of the insanity of what is about to happen tonight. I will add pics soon to both past and future posts, alert you when I do.
Hup holland hup!!!
Have fun in Amsterdam, hope you're going to jump in the Canal!!!!!!